
The 冲锋队军乐队 is a source of spirit and pride for the 网赌上分平台 and local community. 在杰森·L的指导下. DeGroff, our 军乐队 is one of the fastest-growing collegiate marching bands in the country. What started with 20 members in 2009 has grown to almost 300 members!


  • 杰森L. DeGroff became the Director of the 冲锋队军乐队 in the Spring of 2010, 就在仪仗队第一次秋季演出结束后. DeGroff holds a Masters and Bachelors Degree in Music Education (trumpet/conducting) from the University of Massachusetts, 阿默斯特, Ma. While there, he was a five-一年 member of the Minuteman 军乐队, and later was the 研究生 T.A. 乔治·N. 公园和军乐队. DeGroff has worked at all levels in instrumental music; as an elementary and middle school band director, 高中乐队助理指挥, 还是大学军乐队指挥. He revived the marching b和一个t Central CT State University where he served as director for five 一年s. DeGroff is currently the drill designer for the University of Massachusetts, 阿默斯特, 苏德勒奖的获奖者, an award given to the best college marching band in the country.

    He is currently on the visual staff with the Cadets Drum and Bugle Corps where he was also a member for three 一年s (1989-1991) of the 10-time World Champions. DeGroff was also a member of 康涅狄格飓风鼓号军团 for five 一年s. Upon "aging out" he served as the visual caption head and wrote drill for the Boston Crusaders and the Crossmen Drum and Bugle Corps. DeGroff also has been the Show Coordinator for 康涅狄格飓风鼓号军团.

    通过电子邮件联系Jason JDeGroff@haierso.com.

  • Drummer/Percussionist Michael Blancaflor is an active freelance performer, 三州/新英格兰地区的教育家和临床医生. 他原籍柏林, received a Bachelor of Science in Education 和一个 Bachelor of Arts in Music from the University of Connecticut at Storrs. 他跟着里奇·巴卡罗学习打击乐, 彼得·坦纳, 托姆所有, 比尔雷诺兹, 彼得Coutsouridis, 迷迭香的小, 麦克·克拉克和亚历山大·勒帕克. He is currently an adjunct Music 教师 at the 网赌上分平台. Michael has performed with the Boston Crusaders Drum and Bugle Corps, 康涅狄格飓风鼓号军团, 哈特福德交响曲, 纽黑文交响乐团, 东康涅狄格交响乐团, 格林威治村管弦乐团, 阿斯托里亚交响乐团, 切尔西交响乐团的独奏家.

    作为一个演出鼓手, he has performed and recorded hundreds of musicals with various productions companies and schools in the region including the Atlantic Theater Company, 交通运输集团, Ivoryton剧场, TheaterWorks‬美国, 定制百老汇Midi, 头脑风暴戏剧和更多. Michael has been a Consultant and Extra for Amazon Studios production of “Mozart in the Jungle” as well as a consultant for The CW’s Production of “Katy Keene”. 在Instagram和推特上关注他@whiteflowerperc

  • Thomas Wilson is an educator, arranger, composer, and percussionist from central Massachusetts. 目前, he serves as the director of the front ensemble 和一个s the logistics coordinator for the 网赌上分平台 Charger 军乐队, 也是音乐会乐队的指挥. 另外, 他在阿默斯特学院教授私人打击乐课程, 奥本高中, and songwriting to incarcerated citizens through OpporTUNEity Music Connections™. Through a long and successful history in the marching arts he is also the front ensemble director of the Jersey Surf World Class Drum and Bugle Corps.

    From freelance arranging work for high school and higher education marching band programs across the country to gigging for local orchestras, 风集合体, 和音乐剧, 作为一名音乐家,托马斯一直很忙. He is an active clinician for various band programs throughout New England, and maintains his energetic and uplifting teaching style throughout all idioms as an educator.

  • Monica Kowalski joined the 冲锋队军乐队 staff in the fall of 2018 as the coach of the feature twirlers (Charger Girls). She is an accomplished baton twirler with over 20 一年s of competition and coaching experience. 作为网赌上分平台的一名本科生, she performed for five seasons as the inaugural "Lady in Blue" feature twirler. 她赢得了多个州, 区域, and national titles and has performed all over the world: notable performances include appearances in the 82nd Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade as a member of the National Baton Twirling All Stars, 每年的7月4日th 华盛顿游行, DC, 波士顿凯尔特人队的中场秀, 和拿骚的表演, 巴哈马和迪斯尼温泉. Monica feels immensely fortunate to share her love of collegiate twirling with her students!

    莫妮卡拿着 公共管理硕士 和一个 刑事司法理学学士学位 来自网赌上分平台. She is the Lead Associate Data Steward at Save the Children US in Fairfield, CT, 现居门罗, 和她的未婚夫做CT & 两只狗.

  • Bianca Doone (they/she) joined the percussion staff as cymbal technician in the Fall of 2017 and is excited to returning for their 6th 一年!

    She currently holds a Master of Science in Biostatistics 和一个 Bachelor of Science in Public 健康 from UMass 阿默斯特. 在本科期间, they were a member of the cymbal line in the UMass Drumline under 托姆所有. She also participated in Concert Band, Marimba Ensemble, and the UMass Hoop Band.

    2015年,比安卡在7岁时游行并衰老th 团的首个钹线, and then went on to teach the cymbal line for the 2016 and 2017 seasons. 从2018年到2021年,他们是7个国家中的一员th 团的行政团队. 这个冬天, Bianca will be a percussion technician for Shelton High School Indoor Percussion in Shelton, CT.

    Bianca currently lives in Southington, CT and works as a Data Engineer for CVS 健康.







While the Chargers marching band has grown dramatically over the past decade, its devoted musicians — now 270 strong — have formed a powerful bond.