
精神生活 & 校园部

The 网赌上分平台 is committed to supporting all students' holistic human and spiritual development. We are a community of many faiths and spiritual and philosophical traditions. 作为我们 diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging (DEIAB) efforts, we are committed to assuring students that whatever their perspective – from devout to spiritual but not religious to atheist – they will be included and experience a sense of belonging in our Charger community.

The faith and spiritual traditions represented in our community include 犹太教, 伊斯兰教, 基督教, 印度教, 佛教, 印第安人的灵性, 摩门教徒, 无神论者, 一位论派, 和锡克教, 等. Students develop different Recognized Student Organizations to support these traditions. Some of these groups gather regularly to share their faith traditions and learn from their fellow Chargers.


The University’s 冥想与灵性中心 has been designed for students of all faiths and 信仰 to use in a manner that best reflects their religious or spiritual traditions. The facility includes a multipurpose room for services; quiet 冥想 and reflection areas for all faith traditions and men's and women's Muslim 祈祷 spaces.

Use of the Meditation and Spirituality Space

The spaces available in the 冥想与灵性中心 are meant to serve and support all students and the holistic wellness of the University community. The space allows individuals of all religious faiths and non-religious 信仰 to experience a place for peace, 祈祷, 冥想, 和/或安静地思考一整天. The spaces are for individual use as well as organized group activities, services, or meetings. The 冥想 and spirituality rooms are reservable and are available through student ID during the hours of 7 a.m. 到10点.m. 每一天.

提供安全, semi-private space for spiritual and religious activities for all students is one of the most vital forms of support we can provide. To provide comments, suggestions or feedback about this space, please contact: cdi@haierso.com

地点:15 Ruden Street
开放时间:早上7点.m.- 10 p.m.


Students can use the services available within the Greater 西汉文 and New Haven communities. 除了, the 跨信仰 and Spirituality Resource Guide and 社会 media pages are available to assist students in connecting with others who are interested in attending worship services off-校园 or looking for transportation to worship and faith opportunities.

Open the 跨信仰 and Spirituality Resource Guide in a new window


The 网赌上分平台 is home to many students who are of Christian faith. We support the spiritual development and community building of Christian students through different recognized student organizations (RSOs). 除了, student can connect with different Christian traditions and student communities by joining one of the RSOs and/or find a local house of worship within your tradition using the 跨信仰 and Spirituality Resource Guide for local houses of worship.

Muslims, Buddhists, Jewish, and other Faiths and Communities

The 网赌上分平台 is home to many students who practice 伊斯兰教, 犹太教, 佛教, 还有其他宗教. If you practice within one of these traditions or are interested in learning more about them, you can join one of the recognized student organizations below. You can also find a local house of worship within your tradition using the 跨信仰 and Spirituality Resource Guide for local houses of worship.


There are dedicated students at the 网赌上分平台 who are involved in cultural organizations. One organization that blends religious and cultural traditions is the Indian Student Council, with a blend of members from different parts of India. 通过这个委员会, students endeavor to unite and bond every Indian student through various traditions. For more information on how to get involved, visit: Indian Student Council (ISC) - Charger Connection (haierso.com)

  • 在开发中. 即将到来的!

  • 土著人民日 is celebrated on the second Monday of October through various programs hosted by the Myatt Center for 多样性 and 包容.

  • We seek to support the holistic human development of all students, regardless of their background. 像这样, some students within the Charger Community do not identify with a particular faith tradition. The Meditation and Spiritual Center is open to you if you are spiritual but not religious, 不可知论者或无神论者.


This glossary is not designed to be exhaustive or definitive. 然而, it is a helpful tool to enable you to begin to understand interfaith language at the 网赌上分平台.

  • This term is best understood by defining each term separately, "inter" and "faith.” "Inter" refers to the relationships between people who orient around religion differently. "Faith" is defined as the relationship between an individual and what we commonly understand as a religious or philosophical tradition. 放在一起, "interfaith" is about how our interactions with diverse groups impact the way we relate to our religious and ethical traditions and how our relationships with our traditions impact our interactions with those who are different from us.

  • 根据Diana Eck的说法,多元主义是:

    • Pluralism is not diversity alone, but the energetic engagement with diversity.
    • Pluralism is not just tolerance, but the active seeking of understanding across lines of difference.
    • Pluralism is not a given, but an achievement.
    • Pluralism does not require us to leave our identities and our commitments behind, 它是承诺的相遇.
    • Pluralism is based on dialogue and encounter.
  • One’s worldview is a guiding life philosophy, 这可能是基于宗教传统, 精神取向, 非宗教的角度, 或者是这些的组合. (Mayhew等人., 2016). It is the foundational outlook one has on life that helps in making sense of the world.

  • A certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of 反犹太主义 can be directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property or toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.

  • Religions whose people draw their origins to the Hebrew patriarch Abraham. The best known Abrahamic religions are 犹太教, 基督教, and 伊斯兰教.

  • Religious traditions that originated in the Eastern hemisphere (East, South, and Southeast Asia). 东方主要宗教包括佛教, 印度教, 耆那教, 锡克教, 日本之神道教, 道教, 和儒家思想. It is important to note that members of these communities now live in countries across the globe.

  • 关闭d-minded prejudice against or hatred of Muslims. An 伊斯兰教ophobe is an individual who holds a closed-minded view of 伊斯兰教 and promotes prejudice against or hatred of Muslims.

  • Religious literacy entails the ability to discern and analyze the fundamental intersections of religion and 社会/political/cultural life through multiple lenses. 具体地说, a religiously literate person will possess 1) a basic understanding of the history, 中心文本(如适用), 信仰, practices and contemporary manifestations of several of the world's religious traditions as they arose out of and continue to be shaped by particular 社会, 历史, and cultural contexts; and 2) the ability to discern and explore the religious dimensions of political, 社会, and cultural expressions across time and place.
